Kindness is powerful.
Kindness inspires.
Kindness heals.
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Kindness today.
These are stock photos with real issues about real people in need of some support. Details and identifying information have been changed to protect privacy. More stories to come. A monthly donation goes directly to the Mental Health Scholarship Program to support an individual in need. Thank you.
Young Adult Syd
Syd graduated college, has a job and an apartment with roommates. He’s managing but is quietly dealing with anxiety/depression which is impacting his life. He works and that’s about it. Getting therapy would provide him with a safe space to talk and process his emotions. He’ll learn coping strategies and tools to handle things when his anxiety feels overwhelming.
A Helper
Lila is a helper and a giver. She wants to do as much as she can for her family. She’s deeply caring and hasn’t been in therapy in years. She’s doing OK but knows she’d feel better with some professional support in the form of counseling. Lila’s making ends meet, but is struggling/ surviving if you’re able to sponsor her, she could go from surviving to thriving. Can you help?
Teenager Max
Max is a good kid. She hasn’t been in therapy and is curious if it can help her anxiety and depression. She doesn’t want to burden her parents by asking for money since it’s tight. She so cannot work out like they typically do to relieve stress. Can you sponsor Max? We have a clinical partner ready to work with Max…Please and thank you.